How To Scrum

Who we are

Our journey to understanding the world of Agile and becoming an effective Scrum Master started with ourselves. After years of trial and error we began to document and refine the steps needed to be successful in today’s economy.


Our belief is that to be an effective Scrum Master you have to be aware of core knowledge base skills as well as the fundamental emotional intelligence skills.

Sarfraz Aaron
Founder, CEO

Qasim Aaron
Co-founder, CTO

Usman Aaron

In realizing this, we decided to address the problem directly, by creating a space that would remedy these issues and enable quality & confident Scrum Masters.


With over 30 years of combined experience working across banking, insurance, software and retail industries, we have worked with many cross-functional diverse talented teams to deliver complex solutions.


All honing our understanding of agile techniques that generate results.

Our goal with How To Scrum is to share the rich opportunities and techniques to encourage agile working teams.


We share only what we believe to be the most effective and honest ideas / tips / knowledge that have  served us well, with intentions that it too -will serve you !

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